A short message for you

Hello Star children ⭐ I have a small request. If you are somewhere on vacation, please take all garbage with you. Please don't throw it out in the forest, sea, mountains, city... Wherever you are and whatever you do, take care for Mother Earth. Thank you ❤️ Stay awesome my Star children ⭐ Moonchild 🌙

Nature Sunday!

Hello my lovely Star Children! In one Sunday in every month ( if you will like this idea maybe twice 🙂 ) I will post informations about one animal or plant. This posts will be about not well-known or endanger/extinct species. What do you think about it?

It’s time to say „hello”!

Hello Star children! ⭐ It's time to say hello and tell you something about me, project and plan. I'm Moonchild. Hello 😀 I'm 17 years old girl form Poland and my dream is to save Mother Earth. Our home. I'm not super "eco" person that will tell you "don't use that" or something like this.... Continue Reading →

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