Hello Star children ⭐

From 19th of October, we are able to see the blob in Paris Zoo.

But… what is this?

Still don’t know, right?

Physarum polycephalum (liteally „the many headed slime”) is … creature. We don’t know if it’s an animal, plant or fungus. It’s doesn’t have brain, stomach and eyes. It has 720 sexes!


This yellow slime in one hour can move about 4 cm. It can heal itself in 2 minutes and it can also split into different organisms and later fuse back. When one blob meet the other one, they can pass on the knowledge between them. They can easily cross the maze to get to the food ( and remeber this maze configuration!). They can also learn to ignore noxious substances, and remember that behavior up to a year later.

Where does it live?

„Acacia trees, oak bark and chestnut bark are its favorite places. It thrives in temperatures oscillating between 19 and 25 degrees Celsius (66 to 77 degrees Fahrenheit) and when humidity levels reach 80% to 100%,” said Marlene Itan.

It has also ability to hibernate during several years when is threatened.


The Blob is believed to be around bilion years ago, but firstly it was in public in 1973 when Texas women discovered a rapidly-expanding yellow blob growing in her backyard. Very quickly it became famous in medias, but as fast it get publicity, it disappeard. It turn back in 2016 after new research that was published.

I hope that you are interested in this such an interesting creature.

Take care for Mother Earth Star children

Moonchild 🌙


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