Nature Sunday #2

Hello my lovely Star children⭐

For today’s Nature Sunday I prepare for you another small article about extinct animal (without my drawings, so don’t worry 😉 )

Thylacine (Thylacinus cynocephalus )

Thylacine ( also called Tasmanian Tiger or Tasmanian Wolf) was the biggest predatory marsupial in present time. They were last seen in wild in 1932 in Tasmania and the last representative of this animal died in 1936 in zoo in Hobart ( city in Australia, capital city of Tasmania). They were officialy considered extinct in 1986 by IUCN ( International Union for Conservation of Nature ).

Thylacine lived in Tasmania, New Guinea and Australian mainland.

How did they looked like?

Thylacine was sandy/brown/grey fur colour with dark stripes across the back from shoulders to tail. They resembled a short-haired dog with tail similar to kangaroo. Between females and males was small differences in appearance.

They were night animals that were hunting on other marsupials (like kangaroos or wombats ), but they also liked rodents and birds.

Why they are exticnt now?

After the arrival of Europeans on Tasmania, they considered him as a pest and started intensively exterminated. Europeans were hunting on them, but they also used dingoes to „fight” against the thylacines.

Other facts:

-Attempts are currently being made to clone on the basis of genetic material taken from preserved animal tissues

-In northen Australia, there were found Aboriginal rock-paintings of Thylacine-like animals.

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania thylacine rock art

A mummified carcass of a Thylacine has been found in a cave on the Nullabor Plain. It lived about 4 to 5,000 years ago, just before the Dingo was introduced into Australia.”

Thylacine pup specimen
same source

-Thylacine is a symbol of Tasmania. It is used for example in the official logos for the Tasmanian government and the City of Launceston.

Hope you liked it ❤️

See you soon lovely Star children ⭐

Moonchild 🌙


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