Burnig Amazon Rainforest….

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania amazonia

Hello Star children..

Now the whole world knows that Amazon rainforest is burnig. But not everybody knows, what does it mean for our Planet.

Firstly, I will tell you something about this forest and then about fire.

Amazon rainforest facts:

*Amazon is an area in South America, near Amazon River (in Amazon basin)


*Amazon Rainforest is the biggest on Earth ( 5.5 million km2)

*Is also called „green Earth’s lungs„. They produce about 20% of whole oxygen and one hectare of Amazon forest, absorbe from 150 to 250 tons of CO2. Amazon rainforest slows down the greenhouse effect.

What is the CO2?

CO2 ( Carbon Dioxide) is a gas, that in big concentration is poisonous for people. Carbon Dioxide is source for photosynthesis – food for plants. Natural origin of it is for example volcano’s exposions. In the past natural absorption was in ballance with emission. But not now. As society we are producing more CO2 than nature can break down into simple elements. This is one of many reasons of global warming.

But comming back to the Amazon rainforest.

From many years, Amazon rainforest is cutting down. Last year (2018) was cut more than space of 500 000 football pitches. Why? Government want these space for „beef” breeding ( Brasil exports 20% of whole beef meat) , soy cropping and many other reasons. In this world it is normal that we are looking for methods how to earn more money ( but not everybody!) but not many people are thinking about effects of their work.

Arson rainforests are the result of the current government’s policy.

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania amazonia

President of Brasil Jair Bolsonaro told that Brazil doesn’t have enough resources to fight the record number of fires ( in 2019 was about 73 000 which is 30 000 more than prvious year). He also said that it’s non-governmental organizations fault that forest is burning.

President of France, Emmanuel Macron, wrote on his Twitter on Thursday that on nearby G7 summit, members need to discuss about this huge problem.

Our house is burning. Literally. The Amazon rain forest – the lungs which produces 20% of our planet’s oxygen – is on fire. It is an international crisis. Members of the G7 Summit, let’s discuss this emergency first order in two days! #ActForTheAmazon pic.twitter.com/dogOJj9big— Emmanuel Macron (@EmmanuelMacron) 22 sierpnia 2019

We also need to remember that fire in rainforests is something natural in dry season, but they’re smaller than now because of ( still) high humidity. But when fire is seen form space, it’s a sign that it’s too much for Mother Earth.


If fire „will eat” 9% more of rainforest, this rainforest will not be able anymore to self-healing.

We also had on mind that raniforest is not only house for animals. There also live people. There aren’t any informations about helping these people.

How we can help Amazon Rainforests?

the following organizations have been rated 4 out of 5 stars by Charity Navigator, a non-profit that evaluates financial health, transparency and accountability in charities.

Amazon Conservation Team fights climate change, protect the Amazon and empower indigenous peoples. 

Amazon Conservation Association accepts donations and lists exactly what your money goes toward –– whether it’s planting trees, sponsoring education, buying a solar panel and preserving indigenous lands.

Donate to the Rainforest Trust to help buy land in the rainforest. The organization has saved over 23 million acres and counting since 1988.  

The Rainforest Foundation is committed to making sure donations made reaches projects such as supporting environmental defenders, indigenous advocacy organizations and deforestation monitoring. 


Stay awesome Star children



https://noizz.pl/ekologia/amazonia-plonie-pozary-w-lesie-deszczowym-to-wynik-polityki-nie-natury/47y8dp7 (Polish)

https://tech.wp.pl/ekologiczny-koniec-swiata-pozar-w-amazonii-bedzie-znamienny-w-skutkach-dla-calej-planety-6416591146587777a (Polish)

https://wiadomosci.radiozet.pl/Swiat/Pozar-Amazonii.-Brazylia-nie-ma-srodkow-aby-walczyc-z-pozarem (Polish)

https://fakty.tvn24.pl/fakty-o-swiecie,61/brazylia-gigantyczne-pozary-w-amazonii,963270.html (Polish)



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